I like going to conferences, seminars etc because I enjoy learning more and meeting and talking to people about the topic and just finding out more about what’s going on (so that I can take both some theory and practice back). And this conference was better than most because I really did learn more about an important topic, the speakers were all interesting, and the audience was very mixed. Thank you, Minding the Gap.
We assume that work is just a good thing in itself – but the most intriguing piece of research by the Work Foundation appears to show that while being out of work is bad for you, being in poor quality work isn’t as good as people might have hoped …. so the challenge is to put the Marmot “Reducing Health Inequalities” proposal to create fair employment and good work for all.
So the issue that I take back for us to work on in Calderdale is the Workplace Wellbeing charter as promoted by Public Health England.