For years, I’ve been concerned about developers trying to build on every bit of open land in Hebden Bridge. Whilst using previously developed “brownfield” sites to build the shops and employment space that we need, the Council (in giving planning permission) and developers do need to think about the impact on surrounding buildings and facilities.
A small plot of land, partly over the river, at the top end of Valley Road at the back of Hebden Bridge is a prime example of this. There was part of an old mill there but it’s now between a quiet cul-de-sac of houses, a children’s playground, and a new block of sheltered housing for older people. Not the place to build. That’s what we argued in the Planning Committee. The residents of the houses spoke out about the impact on them – the access will be through part of their road. I urged the developers to meet with them to work out the best deal both for the building period and so that the eventual occupiers become good neighbours.
And in Planning Committee, I expressed my concerns about the impact on the playground. Not a problem, said the developer. And then the next thing that I heard was from Council Officers asking for endorsement of plans they were agreeing with the developers to fence off part of the playground, remove equipment and pay what seemed to be a derisory sum of money in compensation – so the building work could begin. “It’s for Health and Safety” say the developer. Not good enough ! this shouldn’t be happening. The Little Park playground is a valued local service – parents, children and the Councils put a lot of time, thought, effort and money into renovating this important local service which is the only play area for most of the children in that part of Hebden Bridge, populated by terraced housing, much of which doesn’t even have a back yard ! The developers shouldn’t be doing this at all.