Labour confirmed at tonight’s meeting that the Council won’t be producing any more newsletters… so how are local people to know what the Council is (or isn’t) doing ? They also won’t be publishing Councillor attendance on the Council website and there was fairly low attendance at tonight’s meeting (but it is half-term).
Regrettably, the Town Clerk has decided to resign with effect from April 2016 (after 16 years service) so an appointment panel has been set up but they will take the appointment decision (unlike higher-level Councils where the final decision of the appointment of a new Chief Executive is taken by full Council).
At last the Town Council is making progress with developing a Neighbourhood Plan but Labour decided that there will be no LibDem representation on the Steering group, although it’s good to see the inclusion of many community groups. There is some progress with the Council nominating Rose St as a community asset to Calderdale Council. The decision appears to have been delegated to the Development Committee at its meeting next week.